Interested in a room at Nano?

Read more about the rooms and the facilities below!

The Rooms

  • 243 single rooms, 3 rooms for double occupancy
  • Monthly rent:  ± €330,- to  ± €622,. This includes heating, water, electricity, internet and use of laundry machines.
  • Room sizes: 11 m² to 41,7 m²

At Nano, all rooms are furnished*.

Each room contains the following:

  • A single bed, with a mattress (in case of a shared room: one per person)
  • One closet (in case of a shared room: one per person)
  • One desk, with a desklight (in case of a shared room: one per person)
  • A chair (in case of a shared room: one per person)
  • A bin (in case of a shared room: one per person)
  • Curtains or blinds
  • Flooring & finished walls

In the shared kitchen/living room, you will find:

  • One stove per 5 people
  • Multiple sinks
  • Cupboards
  • Furniture to share

In the bathroom/laundry area, you will find:

  • Washing machines (no dryers)
  • Showers (one per 8 persons)
  • Toilets (one per 5 persons)

*Please note that removing any furniture from your room is not allowed! You may supplement the furniture with your own, if you wish. See the relevant question on the FAQ page for more information.

Floor plans

Nano’s rooms are divided per floor, which have the following addresses: 

Dreijenplein 10A [room number], 6703 HB Wageningen
Dreijenplein 10B [room number], 6703 HB Wageningen
Dreijenplein 6A [room number], 6703 HB Wageningen
Dreijenplein 6B [room number], 6703 HB Wageningen
Dreijenplein 6C [room number], 6703 HB Wageningen
Dreijenplein 8A [room number], 6703 HB Wageningen
Dreijenplein 8B [room number], 6703 HB Wageningen
Dreijenplein 8C [room number], 6703 HB Wageningen
Tuinlaan 5B [room number], 6703 HE Wageningen
Tuinlaan 5C [room number], 6703 HE Wageningen

The letter after the house number (Dreijenplein 10A) designates the specific floor. ‘A’ indicates souterrain level, ‘B’ ground floor, and ‘C’ first floor. Nano is a large structure with several different entrances, and as such, has varying addresses.

An exception to this is Bomenweg 4A
For this part of Nano, the floor is marked behind the address, before the room number; Bomenweg 4A 3-02 is a room on the third floor. Rooms on the ground floor are marked with a ‘b’, example: Bomenweg 4A b-02.

Note: For administrative purposes, all addresses of shared rooms are designated with an additional letter on the end of the full address. Example: Dreijenplein 10-B 02 and Dreijenplein 10-B 02b are the addresses of a shared room.

Floor plans for:

Social interaction & Nano’s facilities

Nano is divided into groups. Each group has a Dutch contact for the inhabitants of that group, who themselves also live there! Furthermore, the daily tasks at Nano, such as repairs, administration and efforts to promote social cohesion, will be handled by the Nano management team: they are Dutch and will also be living on-site.

Students living at Nano share facilities only with their group. Group sizes vary from 14 to 30 people. These facilities include large living rooms and kitchens, as well as toilets and showers. Together with your group, you also take care of the shared areas, and you are expected to partake in cleaning tasks that will be divided among all the group members.

Most of Nano’s residents are international students. However, many Dutch students live there too. In any case, the lingua franca is English.

Good to know!

If you have successfully been chosen by a group to live at Nano, you can choose to reserve one or more of the kits we have on offer. Please send an e-mail to in order to reserve one or more kits.

Kit 1: Linen

Kit 2: Personal kitchen inventory

Kit 3: Cooking inventory